Elizabeth Conlon, also called Betsy, Mamie, and Honey (by husband Bob who jokes about remembering names) was born in Winooski on January 30th but she’ll never tell you what year. She is the loving wife of husband Bob, daughter Nora Conlon Pemberton, son-in-law Evan (aka Evan from Heaven), grandchildren Paige and Conlon. Her Top Five Accomplishments are teaching middle school for forty-five years, co-author of ten teacher-resource books, cast member in GNOP’s second production, The Hallelujah Girls, breast cancer survivor and my family, all amazing and talented people.
Her personal motto is “Life’s a banquet and most poor suckers are starving!” (Auntie Mame), her personal vision is a cheerleader and her favorite word is joy (enthusiasm and hope being close runners up). She likes family gatherings, the ocean, wine country, anything French, jewelry, a well-written book, and chocolate! She dislikes exercise (she walks), winter driving, watches (Does anybody really know what time it is?), and, of course, technology. When Betsy grows up she wants to be a Broadway Baby! She’d love to sing and dance my way into people’s hearts. Besty says, “In a nutshell, c’est moi, honored to be asked to serve on the board of Girls Nite Out Productions!”